Dear MSA members
Since we are unable to organise any events due to the Corona pandemic, we thought we arrange some virtual activities to keep in contact with each other.
We cordially invite you to join our MSA virtual activities as follow;

11th April, Sunday, 1600HR
TED talk on investment to be hosted by Robin Wong who is an experienced Investment Analyst. He will be covering the highlights on Investment Perks, Market Trends, Pillars of Wealth and Good Night Sleep.
Here’s the Zoom meeting link to Robin’s talk;
In case we get disconnected, please join in again to;

17th April, Saturday, 2000HR
Virtual Singing Session to be hosted by Siva, Edmund and Jeff. This session is meant to have some fun and laughters amoungst the participants without any judgement of the perfomances .Please see separate event insertion for details.
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:

2nd May, Sunday, 1600HR
DAPURKU to be hosted by Richard Chew and Shonna Chan. They will be showing you this Chinese speciality dish called KAM HEONG CHICKEN. Those who will be joining and doing the ‘live’ cooking along, please see email sent out for the ingredients needed. Otherwise do write to us.
Click below link to join in this cooking session;
Meeting ID: 864 6119 5303 Passcode: P09wqQ

30th May, Sunday, 1600HR
BATIK PAINTING to be hosted by Mei Kaspar. This Art & Craft session is thought for our members who have young children and we hope you would enjoy a creative and bonding time with your children in this session. Of course, any adults, especially 'Goyang Kaki-kaki' can also join in to discover their own hidden talent:-) Please see email sent out to you members, otherwise do write to us.
Click below link to join in this Art & Craft session;
Meeting ID: 967 9484 9735 Passcode: vBLa9Q

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write to us anytime to
Join in the fun time, see you!
Cuba is always percuma :-)

Our best regards
MSA Committee
Sun 30 May 2021 at 16:00
Zoom Meeting room. Please see the various links in description section.

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