Events -> MSA AGM 2023

Dear member of MSA
Your anticipated attendance is requested and we, the MSA Committee hereby cordially invite you to our:
Malaysian Swiss Association Annual General Meeting 2023

Date: 25th March 2023, Saturday
Time: 1130hr
Venue: Kawali by Ruby restaurant
Säntisstrasse 2
8305 Dietlikon

1. Speech from President
2. Appointment of the Chairman, Vote Counter and Protocol writer
3. Approval of minutes of AGM 2022
4. Financial year 2022 Balance Sheet for approval
5. Budget of Events 2023/2024 for approval
6. Presentation of 2022/2023 activities
7. Resignation of current Committee and election of a new Committee
8. Nomination of the Auditor for year 2023 to next AGM
9. General

An Asian buffet lunch will be served after the AGM ca. at 1330hr. It is compulsory to register your attendance on our MSA website, by 23rd March 2023. Kindly note that you need to pay up your membership before attending the AGM event.
Thank you and Salam Sehjatera, everyone.
Our best regards
MSA Committee
Sat 25 March 2023 at 11:30
Kawali by Ruby restaurant Säntisstrasse 2 8305 Dietlikon